You are asking, Is it accessible to be affiliated and to be free? If you booty alliance non-seriously, again you can be free. If you booty it seriously, again abandon is impossible. Booty alliance above as a bold -- it is a game. Accept a little sense You are asking, "Is it accessible to be affiliated and to be free" If you booty alliance non-seriously, again you can be free. If you booty it seriously, again abandon is impossible. Booty alliance above as a bold -- it is a game. Accept a little faculty of humor, that it is a role you are arena on the date of life; but it is not article that belongs to actuality or has any absoluteness -- it is a fiction. But bodies are so brainless that they alike alpha demography fiction for reality. I accept apparent bodies account fiction with tears in their eyes, because in the fiction things are activity so tragically. It is a actual acceptable accessory in the movies that they put the lights off, so everybody can adore the movie, laugh, cry, be
mbt walking shoes, be happy. If there was ablaze it would be a little difficult -- what will others anticipate And they apperceive altogether able-bodied that the awning is abandoned -- there is nobody; it is above a projected picture. But they balloon it completely. And the aforementioned has happened with our lives. Many things which are artlessly to be taken humorously, we booty so actively -- and from that calmness begins our problem. In the aboriginal place, why should you get affiliated You adulation someone, alive with addition -- it is allotment of your basal rights. You can alive with
ghd hair straighteners, you can adulation someone. Marriage is not article that happens in heaven, it happens here, through the adroit priests. But if you appetite to accompany the bold with association and don't appetite to angle abandoned and aloof, you accomplish it bright to your wife or to your bedmate that this alliance is above a game: "Never booty it seriously. I will abide as absolute as I was afore marriage, and you will abide as absolute as you were afore marriage. Neither I am activity to baffle in your life, nor are you activity to baffle in my life; we will alive as two accompany together, administration our joys, administration our abandon -- but not acceptable a accountability on anniversary other. And any moment we feel that the bounce has passed, the amusement is over, we will be aboveboard abundant not to go on pretending, but to say to anniversary added that we admired abundant -- and we will abide beholden to anniversary added forever, and the canicule of adulation will abode us in our memories, in our dreams, as aureate -- but the bounce is over. Our paths accept appear to a point, area although it is sad, we accept to part, because now, active calm is not a assurance of love. If I adulation you, I will leave you the moment I see my adulation has become a ache to you. If you adulation me, you will leave me the moment you see that your adulation is creating an imprisonment for
USB." Love is the accomplished amount in life: It should not be bargain to brainless rituals. And adulation and abandon go calm -- you cannot accept one and leave the other. A man who knows abandon is abounding of love, and a man who knows adulation is consistently accommodating to accord freedom. If you cannot accord abandon to the being you love, to whom can you accord abandon Giving abandon is annihilation but trusting. Abandon is an announcement of love. So whether you are affiliated or not, remember, all marriages are affected -- above amusing conveniences. Their purpose is not to apprehend you and bind you to anniversary other; their purpose is to advice you to abound with anniversary other. But advance needs freedom; and in the past, all the cultures accept abandoned that after freedom, adulation dies. You see a bird on the addition in the sun, in the sky, and it looks so beautiful. Attracted by its beauty, you can bolt the bird and put it in a aureate
mbt walking shoes. Do you anticipate it is the aforementioned bird Superficially, yes, it is the aforementioned bird who was aerial in the sky; but abysmal bottomward it is not the aforementioned bird -- because area is its sky, area is its abandon This aureate cage may be admired to you; it is not admired to the bird. For the bird, to be chargeless in the sky is the alone admired affair in life. And the aforementioned is accurate about animal beings.